Our solutions-focussed Surveying team are strong believers in helping you determine feasibility in the early stages of your project.
The team take a holistic approach to minimise the risks and costs of a project. From small scale residential through to multi-residential, commercial, rural and industrial sectors, our team are experienced in the full process of land development.
Our Surveyors are supported by an experienced admin team that work alongside you to help manage the information required to get your project off the ground. From the beginning, through the development phase, to the issue of new titles for subdivision. Our expert knowledge on navigating the subdivision process can ensure your project is delivered in a cost effective way.
Our Survey services include:
Land Transfer Subdivisions
Greenfield subdivision
Urban subdivisions
Rural subdivisions
Unit Title Surveys
Cross-lease updates and conversions to freehold
Right of way and easement surveys
Land Covanants and height restrictions
Project Management
Māori Land Surveys
Partitions & Hapu Partitions
Occupation Order plans
General Surveys
Topographical surveys and site plans
Boundary Lines/Property Boundary Definitions
Rentable area measurement (BOMA surveys)
Pointcloud data acquisition
Drone surveys & aerial images
3D Scanning
Construction Setout Surveys
Building setouts
Civil Works setout
Asbuilts survey
Monitoring surveys
Compliance Surveys
(Building Consent Certification)
Height to boundary surveys (Daylight/Overshadowing)
Minimum Floor level
Building Location surveys
Featured Surveying Projects