Hawera Roundabout

Construction Pending 2024
BCD Group was engaged by South Taranaki District Council to design a new roundabout at the intersection of Turuturu Road and Glover Road in Hāwera. This is a major intersection in the township with high vehicle counts. The primary objective being improve safety at the existing crossroad urban intersection. Following completion of a traffic report a four-leg roundabout was considered as the most suitable form of intersection control to meet the objective of improving safety and maintaining effective traffic flows. Additional minor safety improvements were included, such as adjusting the kerb radius for entry and exit traffic and the inclusion of pedestrian islands. The roundabout was to be a full depth rehab with structural asphalt, fit for purpose for 30 years. Services upgrades also formed part of the package. This included the design of new stormwater infrastructure and upgrading of existing potable water mains.