Whakatōhea Mussels

Whakatōhea Mussels | Ōpōtiki
Whakatōhea Mussels is a world first Open Ocean GreenshellTM Mussel Farm that was 10 years in the making, supported by local iwi, the wider community and national government. The partnership with BCD brought to life 6,200m² of new processing facilities and administration space. This development has benefitted the local community by creating significant employment opportunities within Ōpōtiki.
BCD provided Civil, Structural, Draughting, Geotechnical and Planning & Resource Management associated with this project.
Disciplines Involved:
Over a two year period, worked closely alongside the client and other stakeholders in a flexible and adaptive manner to allow ongoing client input into the design process.
Provided an alternative solution to work in with the existing environment due to local constraints. Resulting in a storm water pond that has been built out into a native wetland.
Worked collaboratively with services consultants to provide structural and architectural draughting services which included 3D modelling of the building and all ancillary buildings onsite.
Helped the development advance by drawing on knowledge of a pending zone change from rural to industrial.
The team helped obtain an extensive list of consents not limited to, land use and resource consent to build the facilities.
With no services available for that site our planning team collaborated with our engineering teams to navigate issues of waste water, storm water and potable water.
Provided an innovative solution to deal with an existing high groundwater table to allow for shallow foundations of the buildings in the development.